Agni Hogaboom is a Rockstar of a Human

Agni Hogaboom is a mentor, a friend, and inspires me every damned day.

I joined Agni's Discord server a few years ago where I was challenged (in the best way), and educated about so many things.  But mostly, I was accepted into the community of amazing, funny, intelligent, and GOOD humans.

And it was on the server that I learned that Agni was going to lead a course on creative entrepreneurship called The Whole Enchilada.  And oh my was that an experience.  The course was spot on and the lessons were the perfect challenge. 

But Agni as the teacher brought so much more to the course. As students, we learned EVERYTHING we needed to know about running a creative business. 

And it didn't end there.  Agni has consistently challenged themselves and others, continued to grow their own businesses, and championed every student (and basically every creative).  I can't overstate what I've learned and continue to learn or how grateful I am that I met Kelly and can call them friend.

This brilliant, energetic, creative, sarcastic, funny human is as real as it gets.  And sometimes it is breathtaking.  

Learn more about Agni's work at their site or on Instagram .



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